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Decorative Epoxy Flooring Services in FL

Make a memorable first impression with exceptional decorative flooring that demands attention. Custom Floor Coating installs attractive, shiny, decorative epoxy flooring systems to enhance the look and feel of homes and businesses. For premium decorative flooring, partner with our experts in Jacksonville and St. Augustine, FL.

A Black Car on a polished concreate garage floor.

Embrace Exceptional Decorative Flooring

Custom Floor Coating revitalizes and protects flooring by infusing it with only superior-grade workmanship and products. Our experienced team is equipped to help you achieve a bespoke flooring solution that exceeds your expectations. As masters in our trade, trust us for precise installation, streamlined results, and the highest standards of decorative flooring.

Flake Floor Interior Coating Completed in Jacksonville & St. Augustine, FL

Understanding Decorative Epoxy Flooring

Concrete is a durable flooring material found in residential and commercial properties. However, while it is practical, it lacks in terms of aesthetics. To combine the strength of concrete with unmatched beauty, Custom Floor Coating provides decorative epoxy coatings that coat the surface of the concrete for a rejuvenated and entirely customized appearance.

Understanding Decorative Epoxy Flooring

Concrete is a durable flooring material found in residential and commercial properties. However, while it is practical, it lacks in terms of aesthetics. To combine the strength of concrete with unmatched beauty, Custom Floor Coating provides decorative epoxy coatings that coat the surface of the concrete for a rejuvenated and entirely customized appearance.

Bespoke Decorative Epoxy Flooring

Our decorative epoxy flooring can be customized to match virtually any style. Our expansive inventory of material options ranges from matte to high-gloss to accommodate traditional to contemporary styles. Rather than costly granite or marble, opt for metallic pigments and mineral flakes that mirror the appeal of high-priced flooring without compromising on quality.

Make a Statement with Floors That Attract

Our decorative epoxy flooring boasts an impressionable appearance. Blending quality and durability, our wide selection of decorative pigments enables you to transform original concrete into high-value decorative concrete flooring with maximized protection and resilience. Trust in our meticulous coating process for bright, reflective flooring that elevates your space.

Bring Value to Your Home or Business

Decorative concrete flooring is an excellent choice for homes and businesses. Our coatings are durable, waterproof, and resistant to wear, allowing for easy spill clean-ups. They’re also oil- and grease-stain-resistant, enabling them to withstand numerous commercial activities. For these reasons, we recommend decorative flooring services for homes, businesses, garages, and outdoor settings.

Our Specialized Decorative Flooring Services

Our decorative flooring installation transcends industry standards. We employ a specialized application process to ensure long-lasting results installed with the utmost precision. Our multi-step process includes:
• Consultation and site assessment
• Material selection and custom decorative flooring design
• Concrete preparation and cleaning
• Alleviate blemishes and smooth the concrete surface
• Primer application
• Decorative epoxy floor coating installation

Benefits of Decorative Flooring Installation

Opting for a decorative flooring installation is a transformative investment for residential and commercial properties. The leading benefits of our specialized decorative flooring services include:
• Extended durability and high wear
• Waterproof, chemical, oil, and grease-resistant
• Easy to clean
• Smooth to moderately-smooth texture
• Enhanced visual appeal
• Increased property value
• Fosters positive first impressions

Choose Custom Floor Coating

Don’t settle when it comes to your decorative epoxy flooring. Invest in excellence with Jacksonville and St. Augustine’s premier decorative flooring contractor, Custom Floor Coating. Backed by extensive experience and advanced training, our experts employ personalized guidance, the best decorative flooring installation practices, and superior products to uncover stunning, hassle-free, and bespoke flooring results.

Let’s Discuss Your Decorative Flooring Aspirations

If you’re ready to embrace the value of strikingly beautiful decorative flooring, you’ve come to the right place. Protect and enhance your concrete with premium coatings that set the standard for quality and Custom Floor Coating. To get started, contact us today to request your free estimate.

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